Minutes count when blood is needed, yet countless lives are lost due to empty shelves.
Although people want to donate blood they are often misled to such an extent that they misunderstand this generous act as a potential health risk to them.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) emphasizes the importance of regular blood donation as the donated blood has a limited shelf life. Many are hesitant to donate blood due to the spread of various wrong information and misconceptions.
A lack of awareness can create such a burden on the healthcare industry when an easy and doable solution is readily available. This needs a collective effort to debunk the myths that have been created amongst the people and inspire them to overcome their fears and come forward to donate blood generously.
This article will discuss some of the common myths about blood donation and also share interesting facts about it.
Myth#1: Donating Blood Can Make You Sick
Fact: The first interesting fact about blood donation is it does not cause any health issues. You will remain as healthy as you were before donating blood. Usually within a period of 48 hours, your blood volume comes back to normal and within 4-6 weeks your lost blood cells get replenished by your body.
However, you may feel lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous after donating blood but that is absolutely normal because you will start feeling normal after a few minutes. In fact, donating blood carries several health benefits.
Myth#2: It is Not Safe for Older People to Donate Blood
Fact: According to the Indian Red Cross Society, anyone who is above 18 and below 65 years of age and is healthy, can donate blood. However, the hemoglobin required to donate blood should not be less than 12.5 g/dL, and the minimum weight required to donate blood should not go below 45 kgs. Moreover, he/she should have a normal body temperature at the time of donation.
Myth#3: People on Medications Cannot Donate Blood
Fact: In most cases, you will not be disqualified as a blood donor if you are on medications. Instead, your eligibility is determined by the reason you were prescribed the medication. As long as your condition is in control and you remain healthy, you will be permitted to donate blood.
However, before donating you must speak to your healthcare provider to check whether your current medications affect your eligibility to donate.
Myth#4: Blood Donation Poses a Risk of Infection
Fact: There are no potential hazards associated with blood donation. The risk of contracting any bloodborne disease is near nonexistent thanks to strict safety protocols.
It is a completely safe process. The doctors use sterile disposable injections, needles, and other required equipment that almost minimizes the risk of infection.
Myth#5: You can’t Donate Blood if you have a Tattoo and/or Body Piercing
Fact: The World Health Organisation says, if you have had a tattoo or body piercing done, you are deferred to donate blood for 6 months from the date of the procedure. However, if the tattoo or body piercing has been done by a state-regulated/licensed tattoo facility where they use sterile needles and single-use ink, and any inflammation that has completely settled, you may be eligible to donate blood after 12 hours.
To know more on this read – Donating Blood After Getting a Tattoo.
Myth#6: Blood Donation is Painful and Time Consuming
Fact: While donating blood, the only discomfort you may feel is the quick prick of the needle which lasts only for a moment. Once the needle goes in and settles in position, you should not feel any pain or discomfort. After blood donation, there may be little pain at the site but it usually goes away within a few days. Some people may experience bruising but it is usually harmless and disappears gradually.
The estimated duration of the blood donation process is about one hour time. The entire process includes registration and verification of your identity and then answering a few questions about your health status and travel history. After that, a small health check-up is performed to check your vitals and hemoglobin count. If everything is satisfactory, you are ready for the donation. The donation itself takes about 10 minutes.
Myth#7: People with High Blood Pressure Cannot Donate Blood
Fact: According to the American Red Cross, it is safe to donate blood for people having high blood pressure including those who take medications. As long as their systolic blood pressure is within 180 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is within 100 mmHg on the day of donation, they are eligible to donate blood.
Myth#8: You can Only Donate Blood Once a Year
Fact: According to the National Blood Transfusion Council, any healthy male can donate blood every three months while any healthy female can donate every four months.
Myth#9: I don’t Have a Rare Blood Type, so My Blood Donation isn’t Needed
Fact: Being the universal blood type, O-negative blood is the most required blood type used in transfusions in emergencies when the blood type is not known. Since it is used so frequently, it is always the first type of blood to go out of stock.
If required, O-positive blood is also used for transfusion when there is massive blood loss because they are compatible with any red blood cells that are positive (A+, B+, O+, AB+). In the case of O-positive blood, the risk of reaction is much lower in ongoing blood loss situations.
Hence no matter what the blood type is, it is valuable for saving a life.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can donating blood cause issues?
After blood donation, pain and bruising may develop at the site of extraction. However, these are minor issues that usually go away within a few days of the procedure. You may feel lightheaded, dizzy, or nauseous after donating blood but they generally disappear after having some fluid and rest.
Is it healthy to donate blood?
Donating blood at regular intervals helps lower your blood pressure and risk for heart attacks. It is really helpful in maintaining the cardiovascular health.
Can O-positive blood be donated to anyone?
O-positive blood is the most common blood type because it makes up about 38% of the total population. Although the O-positive blood group is not universally compatible with all types, it can be compatible with any positive blood group type such as A+, B+, O+, or AB+.
Who cannot donate blood in India?
You must be healthy to donate blood. If you have a cold, flu, sore throat, cold sore, stomach bug, or any other infection, you will not be eligible to donate blood until the infection is completely resolved. If you have had a tattoo or body piercing done you cannot donate blood for 6 months from the date of the procedure.
The Final Words
Blood is an essential life force of the body. Made up of red cells, platelets, and plasma, blood and its components are priceless for our health. It is even invaluable for the medical settings when it comes to helping someone in their time of need. Since it can be stored for a limited period, regular blood donation must be encouraged in all corners of the world. As meaningfully explained by the World Health Organisation:
“Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components – red cells, platelets, and plasma – which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions”.Be a life saver! Your decision can save lives. Join us in the noble cause of regular blood donation –Join Ublood.